Entries by admin

White Collar Crime Defense Attorney Las Vegas

White collar crimes are a highly complex area of criminal defense, requiring strong legal representation in order to properly defend your rights. In these situations, it is vital to have an experienced lawyer on your side. Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, Sprenz Law, provides representation for a wide range of criminal charges, including those pertaining […]

Drug Crimes Defense Attorney Las Vegas

Conviction on drug crimes, no matter how minor, can carry with it stiff penalties, including heavy fines and jail time. If you are facing drug charges, it is in your best interest to protect your rights with help from a skilled criminal defense lawyer. Call 702-243-4900 NOW for a FREE case consultation. Based in Las […]

Domestic Violence Defense Attorney Las Vegas

Domestic violence, often resulting in restraining orders, is a serious criminal offense with harsh potential consequences. Sometimes, the circumstances surrounding domestic violence cases can be unclear, requiring an experienced lawyer to properly defend you against criminal charges. Call 702-243-4900 NOW for a FREE case consultation. At Sprenz Law, in Las Vegas, Nevada, we provide strong, […]